Thursday, February 14, 2013

Connecting History to Diverstity

One of the classes I have to take for my Associate's degree is Intercultural Communication (COM 225). This is not like "I just HAVE to get that toy/gadget/pair of shoes/midget!" It's more like "Aw, do I have to?" Despite that, I figured it should be fun or at least an experience.

One of the other classes I have to take is American History to 1877 (HST 201). This time it is more along the lines of "You HAVE to eat a vegetable! Do you want broccoli, green beans, or vegetable medley?" If you're wondering why I'm making these have quotes sound childish, it's because the objections I have are really minor. If I were not required to take the other classes, it would really narrow my views and education.

Yesterday in COM 225, we were looking at diversity and how it can enrich your experiences. One of the questions asked during the class was "How much empathy should a president have?" Now, I considered this a loaded question. Clearly, it was asking for an opinion. The catch was, any office of president, whether of a country, a school, a company, or a local hobby club, is executive. That means he carries out the will of others. In other words, a president should not have any empathy.

That said, I thought back to HST 201 from the day before. We had covered the Whiskey Rebellion. Simple summary, the newly formed Congress passed a tax on distilling alcohol and people in Western Pennsylvania refused to pay it. Washington gathered a militia to march on the rebels using a force of about 12,000 men. The rebels who were completely outnumbered changed their minds and agreed to pay the taxes.

Now, this is an example of a president. He enforced the laws that were passed did not need empathy. However, what followed after was somewhat surprising. Two men were convicted of treason and sentenced to hang. Washington pardoned these men. He had no requirement or need to do so. That alone showed a sense of empathy that was certainly not required of his position.

In the end, even if your job does not call for it, you are going to have some sense of empathy and compassion for other people. It is an aspect of human nature. We might as well accept it and use it. Well, unless you are a psychopath or sociopath.

Have fun!